The Soul Retrieval Journey


The Soul Retrieval Journey: Seeing in the Dark by Sandra Ingerman

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The Soul Retrieval Journey: Seeing in the Dark by Sandra Ingerman
3 CD set

Over 40,000 years ago, the first shamans ventured into the spirit realms in search of wisdom and healing. What they found, teaches Sandra Ingerman, was a secret world of teachers, animal spirits, and the soul fragments of those suffering in the ordinary world. The Soul Retrieval Journey reveals a stunning insight understood by those first shamans: that when lost parts of the soul return to the body, the mind, body, and spirit heal. On The Soul Retrieval Journey you will learn:

  • Shamanic perspectives on illness
  • Soul retrieval—a step-by-step description
  • How to use rituals, song, dance, sacred space, prayer, and talismans to welcome your soul home; and much more