Nostradamus: A Beginner’s Guide by Teresa Moorey


Nostradamus: A Beginner’s Guide by Teresa Moorey
Pre-loved paperback in very good condition, 79pp
Published by Bookpoint, 2000.

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Nostradamus: A Beginner’s Guide by Teresa Moorey
Pre-loved paperback in very good condition, 79pp
Published by Bookpoint, 2000.

This helpful and informative series introduces newcomers to the many esoteric arts as it explains their role in health and well-being, personal relationships, career development, and family life. Attractively designed and written by experienced practitioners, the books feature step-by-step guidance and practice boxes for self-testing.

Can the future really be predicted? Many prophets have tried to do so, with varying degrees of success. Of them all, Nostradamus is the most well-known, the most successful, and the most controversial. Read about his predictions that have come to pass, what he said about war and disaster, and his prophecies of a Golden Age.