Kombumerri – Saltwater People by Ysola Best & Alex Barlow


Kombumerri – Saltwater People by Ysola Best & Alex Barlow
Pre-loved Hardcover published by Heinemann Library, 1997
1st Edition

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Kombumerri – Saltwater People by Ysola Best & Alex Barlow
Pre-loved Hardcover published by Heinemann Library, 1997
1st Edition

This book tells the story of the Kombumerri people of the Gold Coast region of south-east Queensland. It presents the history of the Kombumerri people up to the present day, and reveals a people who have survived many years of threats to their very existence and still retained their cultural identity. Each book in this series details both the contemporary life and the historical experiences of one particular group of Aboriginal people. Personal insights and information are provided by the co-author, who is a member of the group. The series as a whole builds a picture of the similarities and the diversity of groups from very different geographical areas of Australia, as we see how each one has adapted to its changing environment. What emerges very strongly is that Aboriginal peoples have never given up their identity, no matter how severe the pressures to do so have been.


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