In the Light of a Distant Star by Wanja Twan


In the Light of a Distant Star ~ by Wanja Twan ~ A spiritual journey bringing the seen into the unseen
Pre-loved paperback in good condition, 202pp

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In the Light of a Distant Star ~ by Wanja Twan ~ A spiritual journey bringing the seen into the unseen
Pre-loved paperback in good condition, 202pp

A spiritual journey bringing the unseen into the seen. . . . Many of us have had unexplainable events in our lives – some even miraculous. For various reasons we might not have been able to relate these happenings to others – or maybe only because they were unexplainable, strange or unfamiliar. A few years back I read a newspaper article about some scientists who had discovered a new star, the light of which is about to reach this planet now. “What is going to be the effect on people and on the earth when those rays hit?” asked the reporters. “We really don’t know,” answered the scientists, “Frankly, we really wish that star was not there because we can’t explain it.” In “de-light” of that star, I am offering this book. – Wanja Twan


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