Angel Blessings Cards


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Angel Blessings ~ Cards of Sacred Guidance and Inspiration by  Kimberly Marooney ~ out of print ~ preloved in very good condition

Angel Blessings is a profound transformational tool that acts as a bridge to spirit. It is a book and card set that guides the reader to experience more loving and healing connections with people, angels and with God. Angels are God’s messengers. Each angel is on a mission to share a unique quality of God’s presence. Angels constantly watch for opportunities to bestow God’s blessings of unique qualities of love, wisdom, and healing.The cards represent 44 angels who are real and powerful spiritual beings watching for opportunities to help us experience the deepest parts our souls. The name of the angel, the quality of energy, a powerful masterpiece painting, and the section in the guidebook combine to create a synergistic force that can propel the reader into a personal experience or realization.

From the Back Cover: Angel Blessings was created as a powerful oracle for the journey of the Heart and as a pathway to our spiritual Home. This deluxe book and card gift set enables you to have a more flowing, healing, and loving connection with the Angelic Kingdom. There are 44 Angel Blessing cards, each one a beautiful reproduction of a fine art masterpiece inscribed with the name of the Angel and the Angel’s mission. The artwork has been carefully selected to convey the feeling and essence of each Angel, drawing from the work of such masters as Rembrandt, van Gogh, Lippi, Raphael, Angelico, and Blake. The 160-page guidebook offers an in-depth description of all the angels showing you how to manifest each one’s essence in your life. There are nine different ways to work and play with the cards ranging from single card drawings to more involved processes. All of the sacraments and spreads are designed to connect us with the sacredness of our spiritual communications, feelings, and visions.


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