Personal Power Through Awareness by Sanaya Roman


Personal Power Through Awareness by Sanaya Roman
Book II of the Earth Life Series
Pre-loved paperback in good condition, H J Kramer, 1986, 200pp

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Personal Power Through Awareness by Sanaya Roman
Book II of the Earth Life Series
Pre-loved paperback in good condition, H J Kramer, 1986, 200pp

This bestselling spiritual classic with a timeless message has been updated to include an entirely new section on clearing energy that expands upon what was taught in the original book. This includes apowerful process to recognize and clear any unwanted energy, such asthoughts, beliefs, and emotions of others, so you can more easily staybalanced and centred. Channel Sanaya Roman presents Personal Power through Awareness, given to her by Orin, a timeless being of love and light. In thetradition of Jane Roberts, Esther Hicks, and Edgar Cayce, this wise andgentle spirit teacher offers an accelerated, step-by-step course insensing energy. Using these easy-to-follow processes, thousands havelearned to create immediate and profound changes in their lives andrelationships. Other bestselling Orin books by Sanaya Roman include Living with Joy, Creating Money, and Opening to Channel.

Your sensitivity is a gift! With the assistance of this bestselling classic, you can see immediate results when you learn how to:

  • Be aware of the unseen energy you are in and around
  • Stop being affected by other people’s moods or negativity
  • Listen to and act on your intuition
  • Develop your telepathic abilities
  • Receive energy and light from your higher self, soul, and divine Self
  • Connect with your guides and inner teachers
  • Change your inner dialogue, love who you are, and express your truth
  • Increase the positive energy around you


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